Tattoo Fails That Will Make You Think Before You Ink

Step into a world where ink meets unexpected artistry, as we delve into a gallery of tattoos that have left more than just a mark on their wearers. From quirky mishaps to design disasters, this collection showcases the intriguing, bizarre, and sometimes downright hilarious side of the tattoo world. Each piece tells a unique story, reminding us that sometimes, it's best to think twice before taking that indelible plunge. Join us on a journey through ink gone awry, and you'll leave with a newfound appreciation for the art of careful consideration.

Who's Driving Who

Is he really an infant driving a man's body?

That's what happens when you don't think it through. Do you think this is Jarra from Men in Black? Horrible taste, but great execution.

Eye of the Tiger

It's the eye of the tiger, nope, hold on, I think that's a nose...

I didn't know Napoleon Dynamite started doing tattoos? This one must be bad on purpose. You can't be that bad.

Nice Haircut

A face staring at you the whole flight over the top of an airline seat isn't something anyone wants to see.

Imagine waking up on an overnight flight to that face looking at you. That's a story to tell for years to come.

"It's Is My Life"

The good news is that nobody else has one quite like it.

The result of getting plastered and letting your friends tattoo your arm. It's time to take that arm off.

The Milky Way

Apparently, this tattoo was supposed to be stars. Looks like oreo cookies crumbles in glass of milk.

What would you like tattooed? Fleas please. How to wreck your cleavage in 500 tiny steps.

M&M or Eminem?

I cannot for the life of me figure out which body part this is.

Even though I wouldn't do it on myself, I kinda like it. The girl wanted Eminem so I gave her Eminem, Em nema nema nem.

Air Tumor

At least he has a sense of humor! Or is that a tumor?

Embracing one's imperfections in a humorous way. Wouldn't it be less painful to remove the mole? Either way, we applaud his creativity.


Three kittens, two bananas, and a demon? All of them apparently in her belly.

A great job, but it looks more like a cover album by a metal band. Are there any coherent stories behind this, or is it just surrealist folly? 


You can't go wrong with spectacles when you're intelligent.

Face tattoos shouldn't be allowed unless you have a medical certificate saying you're healthy and a bank account showing no income needed.

Turtle Head

Having a "turtle head" means something funny and way different where I'm from.

He's a shell of a man now! I'm pretty sure he's the only guy in the world with this tattoo.

Double Beak

Two beaks are better than one. He has now reached his final form.

Is that supposed to be an American Bald Eagle to demonstrate his patriotism? An arm would have been a better place to put the proud bird. Wouldn't want that to stare at me in the mirror every morning.

El Senor Nipplehead

Even lightly brushing my nipples makes me uncomfortable. I can only imagine how torturous this must have been.

Let me introduce you to El Senor Nipplehead. The thing is, I kinda like it. It's just a good thing it's not my nipple.

"Never Lose Hoop"

Could Youself and Hoop be his friends or kids? I think we solved it.

It's disturbing that the tattooist appears to have had the same level of literacy as the customer. I thought they wrote it first using a normal pen before executing it?

Angie The Avatar

In my opinion, her face choice was questionable. Or maybe the choice of artist was even more questionable.

Jennifer Aniston probably did this tattoo. Her goal was to capture her inner beauty! Oh wait, they didn't; I had closed my eyes.

She's a Vegan

"Now I don't need to tell everyone I'm a vegan every five minutes."

Her veganism isn't something she has to talk about every five minutes, but her tattoo choice is. Why do you want recognition so badly? I have no interest in the things you choose to put in your mouth.

Pika Pika!

Pika, you have a great pooping face. You should eat more healthy food to keep your head from exploding.

Here's just one reason to stop drinking so much. You won't wake up to drunken tattoo mistake. Unfortunately for this person, they'll be reminded of this mistake every day.

Tiger Monkey

There was a lot of potential in this one. Then came the tiger's nose.

There is a reason why koalas shouldn't marry tigers. Nevermind, let anyone marry whomever they want. We don't judge here.

Onion Pits

Do you think it'll bring tears to your eyes if you sniff it?

There are so many layers to this awful situation. It's hard for me to imagine what it would look like before she shaves.

Perpetual Golf

Clearly, he's ready for a perpetual game of golf.

I'm sure the tattoo artist was taken back when this guy proposed his ink idea. At least the lines are straight.

Dot Work

Perhaps from a distance, say the moon, this looks like a six pack?

There's a star-cleavage woman from a couple slides back that he should hook up with. The artist deserves props, though. The 3D detailing is impressive.

I'll Take Fries With That

Every wonder why McDonald's fries are so salty? Now you know why.

I already had low standards at McDonald's, but now I can't return. I'll take one guess as to where the nuggets are.

Expectations v. Reality

This reminds me of "Monsters Inc." In this case, Monster's Ink.

In a more concerning matter, what's going on with the back of his head? My life has been filled with plenty of thin people, but I've never seen anyone with such a head.

Zip Up

What kind of zipper looks like that? Where are all the interconnected teeth?

Despite my distaste for this, I could see it as a good conversation piece and cover for spinal surgery scars. An excellent idea, but a poor execution.

Wrongfully Convicted

It's too bad, those are some really nice eyes. They would look so much better framed by eyebrows.

He did go to great lengths to make us believe in him. Is there some truth to this? Probably not, judging by the orange jumpsuit.

Six Pack

Holds a glass bottle of beer and gets aluminum beer cans tattooed on his belly.

Keep at it, beerbelly bro, and it'll be blurry in no time. All the cans have already been consumed. He is now working on the bottles.

She's In Pain

I don't think feet are meant to do that. It hurt my feet to look at this.

Betty Grable is rolling in her grave right now. As well as thousands of soldiers from WWII.

A Neyepple?

For those of you that don't know, Thom Yorke's one eye is droopier by nature than the other.

The placement is the whole point to convey Thom's wonky eye. At least the art is good.

Turkey Sandwich

Wonder what he thought it said? Maybe he just love turkey sandwich.

He's smart. Now only thing he has to do in China is to show this tattoo and that's it. Food ordered. At the very least, it's an awesome conversation starter.

Bad Boy

Now this is what you call a poor life choice, not a poor tattoo choice.

Why would he want a tattoo on his beautiful skin? He'll probably be horny for the rest of his life. Get it? Anyway, I thought it was funny.

Genius or Horrible?

Does he have a patch of hair on his arm? It's the first time I've seen that, am I the only one?

Now he just needs to dye it a bright color! I would have gone for the razor, personally.

Not Close Enough

We believe it's directions to other things. Neck — Shoulder — Elbow — Waist

If this woman were lost in the wilderness with friends, she'd explain to them that they're OK, she has a compass on her back that will help them find their way home.

Forever A Clown

When you look up "Incel" this is the accompanying photo.

Here's how to be single forever. This is what I imagine in the cubicles of telemarketing offices. ICP's sad tattoos.

Bad Idea. Good Tattoo

I know, I know. This gallery is about bad tatoos, not bad ideas, but we wanted to share anyway.

in some cultures, the rooster is considered a symbol of virility and masculinity. This is the only reason why I can imagine tattooing a giant rooster on your back.

Fashion Forever

This rat pelt shawl adds a touch of class to his look.

He has to change his bag sometime. Thankfully, that fur coat draws some attention away from the tattoo. I said some, not all.

"Got This When I Was 16"

He probably should have given it back then. Nevermind, can't do that.

Now all you have to do is get it colored in and add some carnival food around it. You'll have an epic thigh piece. Clear example of why the legal age to get tattoos is 18.

Flaming Nips

I remember the days when I was young, drunk, and stupid.

"I want something that will make my pecs look hot." You might need to see a doctor if your nips are burning.

Why There?

Was she held down and forced to get this? That is the only thing that makes sense.

She's probably commemorating a family member. A great gesture, but there's better places on the body for this piece. The side of the face, why there?

No More Socks

That one looks painful. It's also equally painful to look at.

We hate to be the one to tell you, but, you're still barefoot. You did pick a good sneaker though. Chuck T's will live on forever.

Who's The Champ

"Yes, I would like a full-size wrestling championship belt tattooed across my stomach in extreme detail. Don't worry about my belly button."

This looks great with the Star Wars undies. Wonder if that's his next tattoo idea? What's this going to look like if he puts on a few lbs.? Strict diet, buddy.

Yes, Crocs

I can imagine when the hairs will grow up again, Crocs with fur!

Crocs are here to stay. I'll admit, I was a croc basher. But you know what they say, don't knock it until you've tried it. Now, would I get a croc tattoo, no! Draw the line somewhere.

What In The...

The artist's talent cannot be denied, even though I'm not a fan of this particular tattoo.

He couldn't decide who he loved more, and only had room for one more tattoo. Who wouldn't enjoy a woman whose idea of a good date is some well-placed peanut butter?

Long Hair, Don't Care

I hope he is stuck with this and goes completely bald.

Imagine the face of his barber when he first saw this? A new interpretation of "business in the front, party in the back."


Number 2 should have been "Education." Education is important, but familey is importanter.

Two packs of smokes, and a box of Ramen noodles. I think this was done in prison. This was such a good job, you deserve another one.

Meet Mia

Please meet my daughter, Mia. Her image will hunt you in your dreams for the nearest month.

Her parents must be from "The Hills Have Eyes." Just keep scrolling. Dont stop. Dont look. Or else dont sleep.

Centipede, Face, Really?

Friends don't let friends get bugs tattooed on their face.

I guess if he gets tired of it he could grow out his beard. Some face tats have appeal, but bugs? I'm not following here, someoone help me out.

Let's Play

Lots of creative nipple tats in here. This one may take the cake.

It is decent in quality even though I question the reasoning behind getting it. The use of the nipple is certainly clever.

Rocky Dennis

To understand this one, you need to know the inspiration.

Rocky Dennis was a real-life individual who was born with a rare medical condition known as craniodiaphyseal dysplasia or CDD. As a result of this condition, Rocky Dennis had a significantly enlarged and disfigured head and face, which gave him a distinctive appearance.

Never Go Back

Once you go black, you never go back.

It might not go over well if she is single and dates a white guy. Ahhh nevermind, I'm sorry, she's referring to black coffee.

Where To Begin

It that the super rare nipple cheeked hawk?

I think it would be better with nipple eyes. Why is it missing the top of its head?

Got Grammar

Despite its simplicity, lettering tattoos are actually quite complicated.

Kerning must be correct, line height must look natural, and the overall aesthetic must be right. None of those points were met by this tattoo.

Poor Maria

A portrait tattoo must capture the person's features while still capturing the artist's style.

As you can see, this tattooist failed the portrait test. The real Maria doesn't look like that. Also, why does her head have yellow shading?


This is what an infected tattoo looks like.

It appears that the tattooist is at fault, not the client. If you get tattooed in a dirty environment with dirty tools, this is likely to be the outcome.

No, Not Simba

We're pretty sure this is Simba and his father, aren't we?

There's a little bit of a problem with the proportions, and the lines are just scratched. Just imagine what it would be like to have this on your back. It definitely did not age well.

Karen, Why?

No one deserves this awful tattoo, not even Karen.

Aside from the snake's proportions, the knife and blood don't have any shading. It is for this reason that tattoos are not cheap.

Just Keep Swimming

Dory looks a little rough these days.

It also looks like she's quite splotchy. Tattoos are supposed to be solid, but the application on this one is definitely not.

Dead Presidents

This person must have felt very connected to Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, and George Washington.

He got them tattooed on his chest, but wasn't connected enough to go to a more expensive and competent tattoo artist.


The client wanted a tattoo based on a very specific picture.

There's nothing wrong with the picture, it's just a bad tattoo. Her proportions are terrible, and her face has lines that make her appear older. Cover-up material for sure.

Facebook Famous

This tattoo's application is horrendous, but its concept might even be worse.

Does "Facebook Famous" even matter anymore? Who would want to be Facebook famous? An embarrassing tattoo in a highly visible place is not a good idea.

Jesus Feels Attacked

This person seems to love Jesus enough to get him tattooed, but not enough to go to a good tattooist.

Jesus doesn't deserve this. It looks like an elementary student's doodle. I would never wear short sleeves ever again.

Baby On Board

Tattoos are forever, pregnancies are not.

This tattoo will always be on her body, even after the baby is born. Try explaining that to someone who asks about the tattoo later on.

Ariana Grande?

This is actually satire. Someone drew Ariana Grande like that, and someone else decided to get it tattooed.

I've looked at the photo for a couple minutes and I'm still at a loss of words. This is pretty hilarious, if I do say so myself. We're not sure what Ari thinks of it, though!

Bold Move

If you didn't know, Plankton is one of SpongeBob's characters.

Since he only has one eye, this makes sense. It looks awful, though. It's a big commitment.

Loose Definition of a Zebra

Certainly, art is a subjective form of expression.

This is definitely a zebra. Do you think it's a well-done zebra? Not at all. Solid and consistent tattoo lines are essential. A tattoo like this uses the opposite technique.

Take Your Best Shot

There's a lot to unpack here. Let's start with the letters.

A lot of the lettering changes weight, and it's shaky, scratchy, and clumsy. Furthermore, the word "your" was used incorrectly. "Target" appears as a dark circle. As a whole, poor.

Harry Styles

The girl took her love for Harry Styles to a whole new level.

This is dedication at its finest! Sort of. It was actually a fake tattoo she trolled the internet with. Could you imagine it being real?

Failed Execution

A customer often has an interesting tattoo concept that someone utterly fails to execute.

However, it's hard to call anything about this tattoo "clear." It appears that the Grim Reaper is holding Jesus, but that's just an educated guess.

Deer Fear

The artist probably should have seen what a deer looks like before attempting this.

We have one that appears to be annoyed after someone dropped a cartoon safe on it. If you're that into hunting, hunt for a more experienced artist next time.

Cover Up

I can only imagine how bad the original tattoo was if this was the cover-up.

It would have been quite a mystery if the person who uploaded this image hadn't told us it was supposed to be a skull.

Tip of the Tentacle

Starting with the mug and tentacle tip, everything went downhill from there.

When it looks like somebody grew mushrooms on a fruit roll-up, things aren't working out. I can see how the concept might be hard to draw.

Shrek Is Life

While the concept is cool, these Shrek-like masks are distracting.

Obviously, Shrek is love and Shrek is life, but it doesn't seem to be the imagery this person was trying to convey.

Taking On Too Much

This artist has taken on a bit more than they can chew with this one.

It's not really clear how the octopus interacts with the clock, from how its tentacles seem to change halfway through its creation. Panic seemed to set in at some point.

Solar System

It looks like this is the solar system, but the strange domes around the planets are hard to figure out.

Earth appears to be missing from the wreath that surrounds Venus, but that's probably because the artist wanted to wait until the infection around Venus cleared.

MJ, Is That You?

There have been some explanations as to what this tattoo is supposed to be, but many questions remain unanswered.

According to this image, Michael Jordan is depicted as a skateboarding rat, but I don't know what those concepts have in common. Must be a LeBron fan.

Cthulhu Thomas?

Can you tell me why this octopus looks like Thomas the Tank Engine?

The ears definitely look like bunny ears, so I think it might be a sextapus.

19 Months

Their tattoo skills are pretty good for a 19-month-old.

An infant drawing this sounds more likely than a professional. There are only four toes on each of the "feet" and the heels look like hooves.

Leopard Spot

It's a bad sign when people say, "You should probably see a doctor about that."

She appears to have been trying to go for a leopard spot look here, but it looks like an unfortunate skin condition at first glance.

Mark of Cain

This is a cool idea, but the execution makes it confusing in every way.

It looks more like a snake pooped twice and then used its body to tell this person they've taken an L, not the Mark of Cain. There's no arguing with the snake on that point.

RIP Chester

It's particularly unfortunate because it's clearly supposed to be a tribute to Chester Bennington of Linkin Park.

Unfortunately, nobody told the tattoo artist that Bennington had two functional eyes and more than half a mouth.

The Blob

There's nothing like a blob of unicorn vomit on your chest, is there?

Evidently, this is a galaxy. Evidently, the tattoo artist is yet to master the art of blending and chose to just create random noodles in vaguely-galaxy colors.

Game of Thrones

While this 'Game of Thrones' tattoo is unfinished, I can't see it getting any better.

Maybe Drogon's head and torso will improve with a bit more work, but considering that he has a whale tail, I doubt it.

Abstract Art

Could he convince people it's abstract art?

Trying to tattoo himself in a mirror is exactly as dumb as it sounds, so he needs something better.

Lost Bet

This guy lost a bet, right? No one gets this voluntarily.

Was he at least drunk? Just to top things off, the description is off-center.

Act of Solidarity

You wouldn't think this tattoo was bad at first.

It seems like an act of solidarity against cruelty to animals. Except that the tattoo is a common way to indicate that a dog has been neutered, which isn't such a smart idea to mark yourself with it.

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